Bathroom Remodeling on a Budget

There is always a reason to upgrade a bathroom. Maybe the kids have all grown up and left the house for goods and now you want a private sanctuary where you can relax or maybe the bathroom looks straight out of the 1970s and needs some major changes. Whatever the case, the bathroom can be upgraded on just about any type of budget.
The main reason why so many people turn to remodeling their bathroom is to add more value into the home. Adding more value to the home helps justify the spending costs associated with bathroom remodeling. But there are some simple ideas that the homeowner can do to upgrade their bathrooms.
Simple remodeling ideas can easily increase the price of a home such as:
- Painting
- Clean shower walls
- New lighting fixtures
Giving the bathroom a cleaner look will make it appear as though it has been upgrades. Over time, tub scum and other build-up consumes tubs and showers. If it has been left on for long, it will be nearly impossible to scrub free.
Sometimes a good bleaching and elbow grease will get the tub/shower as white as can be. Also, the exhaust fan can be wiped won, walls scrubbed before being painted, surface scrubbed such as the cracks and crevices, and dusting off the door frames will provide a new look.
For a big renovation project for the bathroom, it is important that the main plumbing components be changed out such as the tub, shower, toilet, and sink. New appliances always bring more excitement to the bathroom area.
Depending on the budget of the consumer, a tub conversion can transform the bathroom into something special. Less people are talking baths these days as more are turning to showers for a quick and easy cleaning method.
Adding new faucets and towel bars will add instant improvement to any bathroom. These items can also help save the homeowner money. These items can easily be installed and do not take a professional to do it which saves money and time.
Splurging on plumbing components such as a low flush toilet can be an investment. These toilets are supposedly good for water conservation. They are highly efficient and can save nearly two gallons of water each week. Most homeowners save about $90 a year or more.
Tubs that are still usable do not need to be thrown out. In fact, while trying to save on bathroom remodeling; keeping the tub and having a shower line installed is the best way to avoid throwing money down the drain.
Cabinetry is one of the most expensive parts of any remodel. Cabinetry comes either stocked or custom. Custom is pricy because it is made directly for the intended customer. Stocked normally fits in with all styles of bathroom decor.
Through a budgeted bathroom remodel, the homeowner is able to keep up with their hardware and other bathroom fixtures that get old over time. Keeping up with the fixtures will prevent issues from occurring over time.
Rusty pipes could pose some major problems over time. The plumbing pipes are supposed to remain clear so they can flow efficiently. Corroded pipes may need changed if the homeowner decides to have a new shower put in.
A wall mirror is something that can make the bathroom look complete. All bathrooms should be equipped with a mirror big or mall. It all depends on the size of the bathroom and what the homeowner is looking for as far as style goes. Adding a large mirror to a small bathroom, for example, will make the room appear larger.
The bathroom is part of the home that should be comfortable. The longer one stays in the shower, the more the warm air starts to build-up and causes a fog-like effect. The ventilation fan should remain on during and after a shower to rid the room of the moisture.
Ventilation fans are affordable and are relatively easier to install. Choosing the right fan can be done by going to a local home improvement store and researching the options. A professional remodeling contractor is not going to be free to use their services, but they will help provide useful information on how to work with a budget.