Electrical Home Inspection: What You Should Know

Whether you're buying a home, or just moving into your new home, here is some advice that can help you. If you're in the buying process, the things you will be looking for are safety and repair aspects. Most electrical contractors can offer you an inspection to check for both of these. If you are thinking to yourself right now that you have or are going to hire a Home inspector, think again. A home inspector does a generalized inspection. Most of them will know a little about a lot of different areas but be an expert in none with a few exceptions. It is a certainty in most areas to say you will be forced to hire one to get a mortgage, and that's a good thing. If you hire an experienced licensed electrician, your electrical inspection will be more thorough, and you can get an estimate of what repairs will cost at the same time.
When buying a home, you'll want to know what, if any, defects there are or safety hazards. Items that rate high on the list are things like aluminum wiring, GFCI receptacles, grounding, and water leaking into service parts. The two of these that are most critical, dangerous, and expensive are the aluminum wiring and water leaks into the main service. If you are just moving into a home you purchased, there are some things you can do to be sure your electrical system is safe. I highly recommend that all the devices be changed to new ones. This would be all the switches and receptacles. There is a reason for this. Most electrical problems occur when termination points become loose or corroded.
By having the devices professionally replaced, you can nip any of these problems before they occur. The other item to consider changing is light fixtures. This can be a bit expensive, so if it isn't in your budget, try to at least change the very old ones. The reason for changing these is older fixture wires tend to get very brittle. If the bulbs used in them over the years were of an improper wattage, this can exaggerate the situation, a very common occurrence.
The peace of mind you will get, knowing a professional electrician in the electrical field inspected your home, is well worth the money spent.
Paul Forte is a Master Electrician and has been in the electrical field for over 25 years. For more tips and advice, including Lighting design and troubleshooting with diagrams, visit the website http://www.forteelectric.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Forte