Septic Installation in Ophir, CA

Embarking on a septic system installation journey is usually straightforward on flat land. However, when faced with solid rock terrain, other challenges arise, as experienced in Ophir, Placer County, California, nestled in the Gold Country foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
In 2007, our first Hoot homeowners encountered this dilemma. Despite loving their chosen lot, the discovery of its rocky foundation posed significant hurdles during the septic system assessment. To fulfill their dream of building a home, they negotiated a land deal with a neighbor for their leach field.
However, a turn of events ensued when the new owner of the neighboring lot rescinded the agreement, intending to utilize the area for a barn. Stripped of their approved pressure dose septic system due to insufficient soil, the homeowners faced an inhabitable home, despite its completion.
Fortunately, Placer County Environmental Health recently sanctioned the experimental use of the Hoot Septic Treatment System. Developed by Hoot Systems, Inc., renowned for over 40 years of wastewater treatment expertise, this innovative solution adapts to extreme environmental conditions, boasting a remarkable reduction in DBOD5 and TSS by 99%.
Upon thorough investigation and design adjustments by their septic designer, Jim Barnard, the homeowners embraced the Complete One Tank H-600 Septic Treatment System with Geoflow Drip tubing. This cutting-edge design significantly reduced the required field size, facilitating the construction of the neighbor's barn while preserving the septic easement.
Through innovative problem-solving and collaboration, Superior On-Site Solutions overcame the rocky challenge, enabling our homeowners to finally realize their dream and move into their beautiful abode.
Superior On-Site Solutions
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: 916-436-8457